Recordings from the last jam at Talula’s are now on the site. We’ll provide this service as often as we can given our all-volunteer status. You are welcome to bring your own recorder.
It was good to see the turnout from Sun Prairie High School. Sun Prairie has arguably the premier high school jazz program in the area so we’ve been hoping to get their students down to the jam. Now that they know what it’s about we hope to see them regularly.
A reminder: we like to see young people but jammers of all ages are encouraged and welcome. We always line up a great band and want to make sure as many jazz musicians from the community get a chance to play with them.
The next jam is February 19th at Talula. As always we have a great band. Fritz Schenker is joining us on keys for the first time. Fritz is working on his doctorate in ethnomusicology and played regularly on Monday nights at Magnus when they were still in business. He is an adventurous player and with John Christensen on bass and Michael Brenneis on drums sparks should fly.
Tunes designated for the 1st set are Blue Bossa and Footprints. We’ll work these tunes at Liliana’s the following week, too. Students from Madison Music Foundry are currently learning these tunes so we’re hoping they will join us. See you there!