
New faces at the jam keep it fresh and this last jam there were many new jammers and audience members. Duane and Margie Fait came all the way from Black River Falls! The audience loved them, they loved the jam, and I expect we'll be seeing them again before the snow falls.

The next jam is October 6th and the tune-of-the-week is Caravan. We did this tune a while back. Once again, a helpful resource is this webpage: There is a discussion of  diminished chords and in particular how to think of the diminished chord in the A section of Caravan.

Our educator on October 6th is trumpeter David Cooper. The rest of the band is Nick Moran - bass, Johannes Wallmann - piano, and Todd Hammes on drums. I mistakenly listed these guys as playing for last Sunday, but they are playing on October 6th. Really!

See you there!

In a Mellowtone

Another fun jam, lots of young players and everyone having a good time playing jazz and hanging out with  family and friends. Well worth the traffic and parking headaches (anyone who went downtown this weekend knows what I mean).

Our next jam is September 15th with Dan Wallach, Paul Hastil, Nick Moran, and Todd Hammes. The tune-of-the-week is "In a Mellowtone." In order to get prep material online earlier we will be putting up links to online resources rather than articles from our educators.