August 29, Wed., 6:30 -9pm OMJ Jam at Common Ground

Version 2arthur Fowler

Adding touring Drummer:  Chris Sandoval to the line up. And showcasing some of the songs of Art Fowler from Japan

Please come to listen or join in the music!

Songs from the audition list for MHS will be highlighted August 29 and September 12.

Blues in F, Bb and Eb

Rhythm Changes

All of Me

Autumn Leaves

Black Orpheus (Manha De Carnaval)


On The Sunny Side of the Street

Song for my Father

Take the A Train

September 2, 2018 jam

Our next jam takes place over Labor Day weekend; if I'd been thinking straight I would've had us playing "Work Song." Instead we continue with "Little Boat" and "Cheryl." "Little Boat" is a fun bossa with odd changes in which key centers move up a major third, then down a tritone, then up a major third, then down a tritone, etc. My theory is that a guitarist wrote this because the key centers move in a distinctive pattern when viewed on a guitar neck. The second tune is Charlie Parker's blues (named after a woman, according to our theme), "Cheryl." This a basic mid-tempo blues in C, but it has a devilishly tricky melody. You can find "Little Boat" in Real Book 1 and "Cheryl" in Real Book 3 and the Charlie Parker Omnibook, a wonderful collection of Bird's heads and solo transcriptions. We're privileged to have a house band composed of Ken Hoffman (ts), Johannes Wallmann (pno), Ben Ferris (bs), and Rodrigo Villanueva (dr) back us on these tunes and others of your choice! See you next weekend!



August 29th; 6:30 -9pm - OMJ Jam & Showcase at Common Ground Middleton

Come Join in the music making (we'll have a sign up sheet) or support us by listening to the August 29th Houseband: John Becker (Mr Becker of Sauk Trail) on drums and piano;  Art Fowler - guitar and vocals and Laurie Lang - bass

Featured songs for the jam from MHS jazz audition list: (also for the September 12th jam)

Blues in F, Bb and Eb

Rhythm Changes

All of Me

Autumn Leaves

Black Orpheus (Manha De Carnaval)


On The Sunny Side of the Street

Song for my Father

Take the A Train


August 15 4:30 -7pm last Summer Jazz Workshop with Wallach & Stine


Come to the LAST summer jazz workshop at Common Ground, Wednesday, August 15th, 4:30 -7pm

We'll have 2 groups:

Dan Wallach will be teaching how to improvise over "Take the A Train" and Chance Stine will be be teaching about how to solo over "Rhythm Changes"

$25 fee for the WORKSHOP: Price includes instruction & dinner. This will be a safe and fun atmosphere to learn more about jazz and improvising.

Basic Schedule for workshop

4:30 – 5 Jazz Listening session/Wallach Warm-ups

Call & response, listen to a featured recording, discussion and ear training with instruments or voice

5 – 6 Workshop/Clinic – “hands on” playing/learning jazz experience

6 – 6:30 Dinner with jazz friends (hang out with your friends and eat a dinner provided by Common Ground)

~ 6:30 – 7 set with the workshop-ies as a combo performing what they learned

JAM & SHOWCASE 6:30 -9pm – FREE & open to all

in Main room at Common Ground (There is no chargefor the jam– open to all and no need to register ahead of time, come for 30 minutes or the whole 2.5 hour session, bring the whole family or come alone—we need an audience to buy food and drink to make this a successful event) 

~ 6:30 – 7 set with the workshop-ies as a combo trying out what they learned

~ 7:15- 8 open jam (with sign up sheet)

~8:15 -9pm Showcase the House band -  "Cannonball and Coltrane Set with a Nancy Wilson Twist" with Dan Wallach (alto) and Chance Stine (tenor) and Jan Wheaton (vocals); Jim Erickson (piano), Rick Flowers (drums), Laurie Lang (bass).

August 19 jam

Our next gathering will include featured tunes by two jazz giants. "Bessie's Blues" is a Coltrane number, a straightforward blues with a nifty melody. We'll also play "A Night in Tunisia," Dizzy's bop classic. This one mixes Latin and swing feels, gets us playing minor ii-V's, and requires you to remember a sixteen bar interlude in the head. These should be fun! Both tunes are in Real Book I. The house band will include Paul Dietrich (tpt), John Mesoloras (bs), and John Lombardo (dr). We look forward to seeing and hearing you at North Street Cabaret on 8/19!