Stay at Home Session - Joey B. Banks with Aaron Brenton
Thanks to special guest, drummer Joey B. Banks, and our own Aaron Brenton for a killer "MJJ Stay At Home" session on April 29, 2020! Joey shared great advice on being a professional musician and playing his specially selected tune of the week.
During the coronavirus pandemic, MJJ is presenting FREE weekly "MJJ Stay At Home" sessions with local jazz luminaries. Each meeting takes place over Zoom, so if you are interested, email so you can receive the link and password. While the Stay AT Home sessions are free, we welcome donations via PayPal to help us keep the music going!
We record each meeting, so if you don't want to show up on a video, make sure to enter the chat muted and without your camera on. (If you can't make the meeting live, you can always check out the recording here or on Facebook.)
The meetings are limited to 100 participants, so be sure to get your inquires in ASAP.
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and playing a musical instrument
Stay at Home Session - Dan Wallach with Aaron Brenton
In our inaugural Stay at Home Session, bassist Aaron Brenton interviews the one and only Dan Wallach on his life in jazz. Dan then teaches a lesson on our tune of the week, "Autumn Leaves." Thanks to Dan and Aaron for enlightening us!